
Livre : Apprendre à être professionnel

Pour faire suite à mon billet précédent, voici un deuxième ouvrage sur la professionnalisation que j’ai découvert en explorant la série Innovation and Change in Professional Education. Il s’appelle Learning to be Professionals. Contrairement aux autres ouvrages dont j’ai déjà parlé dans cette série, il est l’oeuvre d’une seule auteure (plutôt que des auteurs différents pour chaque chapitre) : Gloria Dall’Alba.

Extrait du résumé :

A key tenet of this book is that we currently prepare professionals for the world of work in ways that are generally limited in scope and inadequate for addressing contemporary professional practice. The book critically investigates professional education programmes and the assumptions upon which they are based. It argues for an ontological turn in which professional education attends not only to what students know and can do, but also who they are becoming as professionals.

Et voici un extrait de la table des matières (par souci de concision, je n’ai pas conservé les sous-chapitres ni les numéros de pages).

Part I Focus of the Inquiry

  • 1 A Deepening Crisis of Confidence in the Professions
  • 2 What Is Professional Practice?

Part II Professional Education as Preparation

  • 3 Investigating Preparation for Professional Practice
  • 4 Professional Education as a Process of Becoming

Part III Professional Ways of Being

  • 5 Contextualising Professional Ways of Being
  • 6 Interplay Between Traditions and Being Professionals
  • 7 Learning Professional Ways of Being

Part IV Implications for Professional Education

  • 8 Designing Professional Education : Where to from Here?

La version électronique de ce livre est disponible gratuitement à l’UdeS grâce à nos abonnements institutionnels.


Dall’Alba, Gloria. (2009). Learning to be Professionals (Vol. 4): Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-2608-8


Livre: Le cheminement de novice à expert et les programmes professionnalisants
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Éric Chamberland

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