Voici un article paru sur le site d’EDUCAUSE, traitant de la problématique soulevée par les discussions autour de la réforme anticipée de la loi sur les droits d’auteur au Canada:
Un passage de l’article m’a particulièrement interpellé:
A new political development in Canada might cause a radical change in what AU and AU Press are able to achieve and how learning content can be shared in Canada. The Canadian parliament is expected to begin discussion this fall on new copyright legislation that will limit what materials can be made freely available. According to AU Associate Vice President of Research Rory McGreal:
“The very stringent copyright laws the Canadian government is currently considering are based on a U.S. model. It would make it very difficult, particularly for open and online institutions, to make use of proprietary content. We have to look for alternatives.”
A number of the proposed restrictions are seen as counterproductive at best, and destructive to Canada’s standing in the world academic market at worst. One example is that all institutions would have to destroy online proprietary material within one week of a course’s final exam. Another is proposed penalties for anyone who keeps digital course research documents on their computer for longer than three days. Speaking on the topic of the Canadian government’s proposed new copyright legislation, AU President Frits Pannekoek said:
“Countries with wiser copyright regimes that promote educational use will catapult ahead of Canada. No longer will we be internationally competitive because of the restrictions contained in the legislation.”
Je vois déjà la levée de boucliers éventuelle chez nos clients, déjà débordés par leur tâche d’enseignement actuelle et qui ne voudraient certainement pas avoir à gérer la diffusion de contenus de façon aussi serrée. C’est un dossier que l’on devra suivre de près, car la réforme de la loi pourrait avoir un impact majeur sur notre travail de soutien auprès des responsables de cours sur Moodle…