Tendances sociétales

La littératie scientifique ou l’importance de comprendre la science

Un article passionnant, qui nous rappelle l’importance de comprendre la science.  Voici quelques extraits qui, je l’espère, vous donneront le goût de lire le texte complet.

  • […] when science is communicated in the contemporary world, factual errors, misrepresentations, and misappropriations can get perpetuated through a series of shares, copies, likes, and reposts. The viral nature of today’s information sharing makes a new kind of scientific literacy all the more imperative.
  • It is here—at the intersection of scientists and the public—that scientific literacy (or a lack thereof) has its greatest impact, from individual choices related to personal health behaviors to wide-reaching decisions on public policy.
  • I have discovered that getting students to understand the science is relatively easy. Connecting the dots between a scientific discovery and its implications for society is where the real challenge begins.
  • Intense immersion in research can be blinding when it comes to the broader social and ethical implications of scientific questions and the actual human costs involved.
  • […] our cultural norms may bias our science. In addition to shaping how we understand the world, which drives the questions we ask and the experiments we conduct, our experiences influence our ability to see alternatives. […] As neuroscience suggests, it is very difficult to see things we are not looking for.  

Source: Brandenburgh, Cynthia. Scientific Literacy Redefined. The Scientist. 8 février 2016.

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Sonia Morin

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