La journaliste Beth McMurthie du Chronicle interview Rafael L. Bras, prévôt (vice-recteur aux études) du Georgia Institute of Technology relativement au rapport qui vient d’être publié par son institution. Plusieurs propositions audacieuses, notamment concernant la formation tout au long de la vie s’y retrouve:
…Then they may choose to come to Georgia Tech. Some would spend four years, others come for a couple of years, develop a company, and then may choose to stop out for a semester, while being mentored by us, and develop their business. They come back and optimally graduate and finish that period in life.
Then they go out for five years in a company, realize they want to do something else, and engage with us via other offerings. The question is what offerings are out there for them, and how do we establish a link that is beyond the digital or cyber?
Le rapport propose aussi un modèle de financement par souscriptions (à la Netflix) et un recours accru aux intelligences artificielles comme assistants d’enseignement.
Nous consulterons ce rapport en détail et vous reviendrons avec notre résumé.
Source: This Is What Georgia Tech Thinks College Will Look Like in 2040“, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 11 mai 2018