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Deux numéros spéciaux sur la publication scientifique et l’intégrité en recherche par Editors’ Update

Hervé Maisonneuve a fait état le 6 janvier dernier sur son blogue Rédaction médicale et scientifique d’un dossier éthique en deux parties et publié par Editors’ Update (Elsevier) :

  • Partie II (Special part II)
    • Working together: a précis of roles and resources, a scene-setter for the articles that follow. Find out more about the roles Elsevier and editors have to play and the range of support available to help you.
    • The art of detecting data and image manipulation in which we investigate a range of tools and processes. The article contains useful advice (and an offer of free software) from The Office of Research Integrity as well as an editor’s practical tips for checking Western Blots.
    • All Elsevier journals are enrolled in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and in Making the most of your COPE membership, current Chair, Dr Virginia Barbour, explains recent changes to the organization and outlines some of the benefits membership can bring.
    • For many journals, CrossCheck is now indispensable. In How CrossCheck can combat the perils of plagiarism we discover why they wouldn’t be without this software and how integration into EES will further streamline the process for checking papers for plagiarism, simultaneous submission and multiple publication.
      • Selon Maisonneuve, la détection du plagiat qui a représenté 42 % des problèmes éthiques chez Elsevier en 2012 (20 % pour duplications, 12 % pour fraude, 10 % pour paternité des articles, 8 % pour conflits d’intérêts) avec surtout le contenu de iThenticate, logiciel anti-plagiat : “Compares full-text manuscripts against a database of 38+ million articles from 175,000+ journals, books from 500+ publishers, and 20+ billion webpages” ; sur iThenticate, le 2 janvier 2014, on lit même 43 milliards de pages web !
    • Talking to the media – who is responsible? asks Tom Reller, Elsevier’s Head of Media Relations. Media exposure for your journal may be welcome when the coverage is positive, but what about when they want to discuss publishing ethics cases? Reller outlines some scenarios and advises on whether Elsevier or the editor should respond.
    • If we want to reduce research misconduct incidents, education is key and in The importance of author education we look at two of Elsevier’s early-career training initiatives – the Ethics in Research & Publication Program and Publishing Connect author workshops.
    • Finally, no edition would be complete without our Editor in the Spotlight feature. This time, Dr Robert Strangeway, Research Geophysicist at University of California, Los Angeles, and joint Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics takes on our regular Q&A.

Sources –

Maisonneuve, Hervé.  IThenticate, logiciel anti-plagiat, contient plus de 38 millions d’articles, plus de 40 milliards de pages web, et des livres…  Rédaction médicale et scientifique (blogue).  6 janvier 2014.

Ethics Special Part IEditors’ Update.  Numéro 40.  Septembre 2013.

Ethics Special Part IIEditors’ Update.  Numéro 41.  Novembre 2013.

Interne: maîtrise en gestion des sciences appliquées : un programme unique en son genre au Canada
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Sonia Morin

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