Pédagogique Point chaud / en émergence

La classe inversée : le point de vue d’une étudiante

Une finissante du secondaire aux États-Unis raconte comment, suite à l’adoption du modèle de classe inversée par son école, elle a repris goût aux études, amélioré ses notes de façon importante et décidé de poursuivre ses études après le secondaire. Il y a toutes les raisons de croire que ce type d’effet peut se produire aussi en contexte universitaire.

Dans ses propres mots :

My school began flipping all of its classes, which meant that for homework, I was assigned videos to watch, which were made by my teachers and explained the material which we were learning. During class, instead of listening to my teacher lecture, we began doing our homework assignments. If I had any questions, I was able to ask someone else in the class or my teacher, who was there and ready to help whenever I was confused or didn’t understand something. Suddenly, everything started to make sense.

The biggest different in the flipped classroom was that I was able to learn at my own pace. When watching videos at home, if I didn’t understand something my teacher said, or wasn’t able to take notes fast enough, I had the ability to pause and rewind the video, and watch it again. Also, with class time now being spent doing work and solving problems, I could get help whenever I needed it. Rather than getting stuck on a problem at home and give up when it became too difficult, my teacher was able to show me what I was doing wrong, so I could figure out the answer and move on.

Being able to learn at my own pace and ask my teachers very specific questions gave me a greater understanding of the material. Immediately, my grades went from a B’s and B-‘s- to all A’s.


Kylie (nom de famille  inconnu) (2012) « How the Flipped Classroom Turned Me into a Better Student » Getting Smart. 6 décembre 2012.

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